
Maya co-authors a number of research studies that examine Therapeutic Breast Massage in Lactation. Along with her colleague, Dr. Ann Witt, she conducts research on how these methods help parents resolve breast pain and milk stasis.


Mothers Value and Utilize Early Outpatient Education on Breast Massage and Hand Expression in Their Self-Management of Engorgement. Witt AM, Bolman M, Kredit S, Breastfeed Medicine 2016 Nov; 11:433-439. Click here.

Therapeutic Breast Massage in Lactation for the Management of Engorgement, Plugged Ducts and Mastitis. Witt AM, Bolman M, Vanic A, Kredit S, J Hum Lact 0890334415619439, first published on December 7, 2015. Click here.

Recapturing the Art of Therapeutic Breast Massage During Breastfeeding. Bolman M, Saju L, Oganesyan K, Kondrashova T, Witt AM. J Hum Lact. 2013 Aug;29(3):328-31. Click here.